Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Gibbs @Lickerish Lounge & Restaurant

Well this year, I am celebrating my Birthday in Beautiful BC in the city of Vancouver. My Birthday was November 15th, and I wanted to invite out some good friends to help me bring it in the right way, for the 1st time in Van-city. Oh yeah that's right, with my fellow Canadians. The #15 is pretty unique this year.(See the reason of importance towards the end)

Moving here was easy because I believed in it, but every road after getting here was not smooth. It took a lot of strength, determination, belief & faith, and positivity to overcome some of those "not so smooth" obstacles. We face them in life everyday all the time. It is how one responds to those situations of adversity, that will decide the outcome. With that being said, I configured my mindset to a think strongly on my surroundings. It was set and stone to only surround myself around positive environments, attitudes and most of all positive friends and/or people. My circle of association reduced its size greatly. To give you an idea of how much, lets just say compare an eyeballs diameter to the size of a period. 

A final toast to New Beginning
So everyone here at my birthday celebration was "Good People" and a representation of something positive. You know I believe in self creation because one has the ability to create their own energy. By placing yourself in certain positions you will generate a certain energy. I created that energy to be positive to create more positive things. 

What am I celebrating here? A few things actually. Most of all my New Job! Im so thankful for that, its been a thought come true. (Thoughts are Physical: I will discuss that in the next blog.) This Birthday is literally a celebration of "Birth" "Days". 

  1. 1. Birth of my new job 
  2. 2. My new life here in Vancouver
  3. 3. Birth of new friends and acquaintances

I Got my job on the 15th of a month, there was 15 friends seated at my event and my birthday is on the 15th. Ironic or Coincidence? lol

My mother and Brothers weren't able to come and join the fun and festivities, but next year we will together. In conclusion, I had a great time with the ones who showed up. It meant a lot to me. It's definitely something I will remember, so take a peak at some of the photos from the night at Lickerish Lounge & Restaurant.

Cheers JC, bonseur massuse lol

Oh this was so good. #stella beer chicken burger and poutine fries

The camera man for the night, he relieved me of my duties

MK, Jerry and Cayode are in deep discussion lol
Wake up JC

All up On ya and Lonzell

Credits go to Anja for this picture

Me and the amazing duo Ann & Leila
These two will give me tips on my book

So fresh and so clean. #Classy
When all else fails, just laugh it off and walk away from the crazies lol

The night Chibbz became a pimp. Peep the toothpick lol

The homey popped in and out and showed love.
The beautiful and silly ladies

Thanks to all who came out; MK, Chibale, Cayode, Jerry, Joe, Kate, Amanda, Anna, Leila, Judy, Terin, Anja, Vaness, Lonzell, Russna, Daffy, Rasheed & Javari