What is Today's World of Interracial Relationships?
In today's society, Interracial relationships involving dating, friendships and even business partners is definitely more prevalent than it was 10 years ago. Its more prevalent than it was last year! With every year the factor of how common it is to see these relationships, grow bigger and bigger. Ironically, its sad to say that there are still some constants that doesn't follow the same trend. Constants that have been around for 100s of years, the type of constants some people expect when going into these Interracial relationships. So what is Today's world of Interracial Relationships consist of?
What are some difficulties when dealing with Interracial Relationships?
The difficulties one may run into first and foremost while in an interracial relationship, is the perception of others. This is that constant that has been lingering around for 100s of years. It has just been floating around like a virus and inserting itself into different people. So no matter where you go, its safe to say that there be at least 1 person who is "just not comfortable" or "against" it. They say things like "I rather have my own kind" or "My mother would prefer I marry my own type"....Lets break this down below
Girl type/kind: Very generous, smart friendly girl, a social butterfly, determined attitude and goal oriented
Guy type/kind: He is also a giving and caring person, generous in helping people, academically driven and his competitive athletic background allows him to be goal oriented towards other things in life
Wouldn't this be an approval of mother? Yes!....Oh yea I forgot to mention that he is Black and she is White( 1 of the most common interracial relationships, some have accepting to this day), so since they aren't the same race those "types and kinds" go right out the window? My point is that people can be a match to another regardless of their race, because there is no color laid upon love, or attraction, and interest. If someone can tell me what the Color of love, attraction and interest is, I would be lost for words? Can you tell me?
The other difficulty I would like to embark on is the difficulty of knowing who you are dating. Different cultures carry a lot of history behind them. If your going to be with someone of a different background, it is important that you know it, because there are struggles possibly he/she has been through that you may not be able to relate to, so its important you understand them if you cant relate. This is one of the difficulties that is over looked sometimes, and relationships clash because of it. And the crazy thing is that it isn't intentional, its an involuntary mistake at times. Know your partner's Background to fully understand them. Don't just date them because of their race. I know a lot of people who date others simply because he/she is (Input race) and have no support behind the reason as to why they are doing it. They just know he/she is (Input race) and that's what I like.
I only date black guys....I only date white guys....I only date Asian and Hispanic women...I only date white girls.....These statements I do not understand. Yes I know women and men have preferences. Its nothing wrong with that, but don't limit yourself. Like the saying goes "Don't Knock it til you try it".
My take on this, I'm open to date all women. I look at it this approach color blind. I love women, with a passion I do! I'm a "Momma's boy", raised single parent, I think that is where I get my ultimate respect for the woman species in general. I think women are so much stronger than men in some categories not listed on the chart, and I recognize that. With this instilled in my head, I think highly of women, which is why I cant see myself putting limits or restrictions to say the things like "I only date "_____" women. I see beauty and I go for it! whether its physical, character or personality. You cant put a color, race, culture or anything on beauty. Beauty is universal throughout and in everything. Comes in many forms. This is my reason and take on interracial relationships. And it plays a good role for me, because I have an open mind to all types of beauty.
The Good and Easy things of Interracial Relationships..
The good thing is that one can actually learn from this experience. Positively and through negative experiences. Positive because being with someone not of your background, shapes you in a way that you cant never experience without it. You learn cultural ways, and traditions, you may pick up some different "lingo" or terminology. You may even pick up new skills and hobbies. Interracial relationships can aid towards bringing one persons potential and maximizes it in areas never used before. Not saying that those areas were purposely ignored and not used before, but they basically had no spark lit underneath it to inflame it. I myself have picked up hobbies, communication, certain gestures and skills that I still use today and it was because of an interracial interaction and/or relationship. I have even learned different languages.
Negative experiences through Interracial Relationships, can make one person become so much stronger. One's mentality will become stronger and more vibrant. And for some couples one partner may not understand "why are those people staring at us?". And the other partner will understand the likelihood of why and educate his/her partner on the things he have experienced. What she/he should prepare for, or expect in some areas. Why? simply because some people aren't open to accept diversity, they come from a small town so they are less exposed to other parts of the world, they have a personal vendetta against a race, racism and prejudice. And then you have some people who don't have a legitimate reason as to why they believe the way they do, instead its the way they were raised to think. There can be a number of reasons but ultimately its lack of a free spirit. Its such a delicate topic and discussion, you cant put one reason on it.
What do you think are the most difficulties and easiest things of an Interracial Relationship? What race with race do you think the world has the most trouble accepting?
Here is a great clip of " What Would You Do? " an experiment done on Interracial Dating that demonstrates exactly what I have discussed and how a small town or close minded individual can be so quick to disagree with Interracial Relationships. You won't believe what this woman said...well yes you will but you will be shocked. I know I was.