Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Gibbs @Lickerish Lounge & Restaurant

Well this year, I am celebrating my Birthday in Beautiful BC in the city of Vancouver. My Birthday was November 15th, and I wanted to invite out some good friends to help me bring it in the right way, for the 1st time in Van-city. Oh yeah that's right, with my fellow Canadians. The #15 is pretty unique this year.(See the reason of importance towards the end)

Moving here was easy because I believed in it, but every road after getting here was not smooth. It took a lot of strength, determination, belief & faith, and positivity to overcome some of those "not so smooth" obstacles. We face them in life everyday all the time. It is how one responds to those situations of adversity, that will decide the outcome. With that being said, I configured my mindset to a think strongly on my surroundings. It was set and stone to only surround myself around positive environments, attitudes and most of all positive friends and/or people. My circle of association reduced its size greatly. To give you an idea of how much, lets just say compare an eyeballs diameter to the size of a period. 

A final toast to New Beginning
So everyone here at my birthday celebration was "Good People" and a representation of something positive. You know I believe in self creation because one has the ability to create their own energy. By placing yourself in certain positions you will generate a certain energy. I created that energy to be positive to create more positive things. 

What am I celebrating here? A few things actually. Most of all my New Job! Im so thankful for that, its been a thought come true. (Thoughts are Physical: I will discuss that in the next blog.) This Birthday is literally a celebration of "Birth" "Days". 

  1. 1. Birth of my new job 
  2. 2. My new life here in Vancouver
  3. 3. Birth of new friends and acquaintances

I Got my job on the 15th of a month, there was 15 friends seated at my event and my birthday is on the 15th. Ironic or Coincidence? lol

My mother and Brothers weren't able to come and join the fun and festivities, but next year we will together. In conclusion, I had a great time with the ones who showed up. It meant a lot to me. It's definitely something I will remember, so take a peak at some of the photos from the night at Lickerish Lounge & Restaurant.

Cheers JC, bonseur massuse lol

Oh this was so good. #stella beer chicken burger and poutine fries

The camera man for the night, he relieved me of my duties

MK, Jerry and Cayode are in deep discussion lol
Wake up JC

All up On ya and Lonzell

Credits go to Anja for this picture

Me and the amazing duo Ann & Leila
These two will give me tips on my book

So fresh and so clean. #Classy
When all else fails, just laugh it off and walk away from the crazies lol

The night Chibbz became a pimp. Peep the toothpick lol

The homey popped in and out and showed love.
The beautiful and silly ladies

Thanks to all who came out; MK, Chibale, Cayode, Jerry, Joe, Kate, Amanda, Anna, Leila, Judy, Terin, Anja, Vaness, Lonzell, Russna, Daffy, Rasheed & Javari

Friday, September 7, 2012

Interracial Dating: My Thoughts

What is Today's World of Interracial Relationships?

In today's society, Interracial relationships involving dating,  friendships and even business partners is definitely more prevalent than it was 10 years ago. Its more prevalent than it was last year! With every year the factor of how common it is to see these relationships, grow bigger and bigger. Ironically, its sad to say that there are still some constants that doesn't follow the same trend. Constants that have been around for 100s of years, the type of constants some people expect when going into these Interracial relationships. So what is Today's world of Interracial Relationships consist of?

What are some difficulties when dealing with Interracial Relationships?

The difficulties one may run into first and foremost while in an interracial relationship, is the perception of others. This is that constant that has been lingering around for 100s of years. It has just been floating around like a virus and inserting itself into different people. So no matter where you go, its safe to say that there be at least 1 person who is "just not comfortable" or "against" it. They say things like "I rather have my own kind" or "My mother would prefer I marry my own type"....Lets break this down below

Girl type/kind: Very generous, smart friendly girl, a social butterfly, determined attitude and goal oriented

Guy type/kind: He is also a giving and caring person, generous in helping people, academically driven and his competitive athletic background allows him to be goal oriented towards other things in life

Wouldn't this be an approval of mother? Yes!....Oh yea I forgot to mention that he is Black and she is White( 1 of the most common interracial relationships, some have accepting to this day), so since they aren't the same race those "types and kinds" go right out the window? My point is that people can be a match to another regardless of their race, because there is no color laid upon love, or attraction, and interest. If someone can tell me what the Color of love, attraction and interest is, I would be lost for words? Can you tell me?

The other difficulty I would like to embark on is the difficulty of knowing who you are dating. Different cultures carry a lot of history behind them. If your going to be with someone of a different background, it is important that you know it, because there are struggles possibly he/she has been through that you may not be able to relate to, so its important you understand them if you cant relate. This is one of the difficulties that is over looked sometimes, and relationships clash because of it. And the crazy thing is that it isn't intentional, its an involuntary mistake at times. Know your partner's Background to fully understand them. Don't just date them because of their race. I know a lot of people who date others simply because he/she is (Input race) and have no support behind the reason as to why they are doing it. They just know he/she is  (Input race)  and that's what I like.
I only date black guys....I only date white guys....I only date Asian and Hispanic women...I only date white girls.....These statements I do not understand. Yes I know women and men have preferences. Its nothing wrong with that, but don't limit yourself. Like the saying goes "Don't Knock it til you try it".

My take on this, I'm open to date all women. I look at it this approach color blind. I love women, with a passion I do! I'm a "Momma's boy", raised single parent, I think that is where I get my ultimate respect for the woman species in general. I think women are so much stronger than men in some categories not listed on the chart, and I recognize that. With this instilled in my head, I think highly of women, which is why I cant see myself putting limits or restrictions to say the things like "I only date "_____" women. I see beauty and I go for it! whether its physical, character or personality. You cant put a color, race, culture or anything on beauty. Beauty is universal throughout and in everything. Comes in many forms. This is my reason and take on interracial relationships. And it plays a good role for me, because I have an open mind to all types of beauty.

The Good and Easy things of Interracial Relationships..

The good thing is that one can actually learn from this experience. Positively and through negative experiences. Positive because being with someone not of your background, shapes you in a way that you cant never experience without it. You learn cultural ways, and traditions, you may pick up some different "lingo" or terminology. You may even pick up new skills and hobbies. Interracial relationships can aid towards bringing one persons potential and maximizes it in areas never used before. Not saying that those areas were purposely ignored and not used before, but they basically had no spark lit underneath it to inflame it. I myself have picked up hobbies, communication, certain gestures and skills that I still use today and it was because of an interracial interaction and/or relationship. I have even learned different languages.
Negative experiences through Interracial Relationships, can make one person become so much stronger. One's mentality will become stronger and more vibrant. And for some couples one partner may not understand "why are those people staring at us?".  And the other partner will understand the likelihood of why and educate his/her partner on the things he have experienced. What she/he should prepare for, or expect in some areas. Why? simply because some people aren't open to accept diversity, they come from a small town so they are less exposed to other parts of the world, they have a personal vendetta against a race, racism and prejudice. And then you have some people who don't have a legitimate reason as to why they believe the way they do, instead its the way they were raised to think. There can be a number of reasons but ultimately its lack of a free spirit. Its such a delicate topic and discussion, you cant put one reason on it.

What do you think are the most difficulties and easiest things of an Interracial Relationship? What race with race do you think the world has the most trouble accepting?

Here is a great clip of " What Would You Do? " an experiment done on Interracial Dating that demonstrates exactly what I have discussed and how a small town or close minded individual can be so quick to disagree with Interracial Relationships. You won't believe what this woman said...well yes you will but you will be shocked. I know I was.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My New Hobby

So recently I have moved to British Columbia. The scenery here has been so eye catching, that I decided to buy a new toy and take up a new hobby in Photography. Some of the pictures I was taking with my iPhone was doing the actuality of the views absolutely no justice.
I said to myself if I'm going to be seeing amazing views like the ones I see everyday I step outside then I have to have the right equipment to share it with my friends and family.
I went in to the Future Shop, which is like a Best Buy, looked at some cameras. I saw DSLR's and SLR's. I wasn't taking it professional so I didn't look further into the DLSR cameras because the lenses get very expensive and I'm not looking to make a profession out of it. So instead I looked at great quality camera that has similar features and quality as well.

I ended up buying a Nikon P510. It's a wide angle lens, has a 3.0" LCD monitor, full HD video 1080P, 16.1 megapixels, new CMOS sensor, and an amazing 42x wide optical zoom. The only 42x zoom camera in the world. This camera has some amazing features built within the camera. This camera is a machine ! I love it. Stay tuned for all the pictures I have taken.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finally Arrived and I'm Loving it!

So its been 11 full days since I've arrived in British Columbia, Canada (aka the most beautiful city and country I have ever been to!). Since BC (British Columbia) is actually the Province I'm in which is enormous, I have to tell you which part of BC I am living in. I am living in the Greater Vancouver area of BC. Surrounding cities are Surrey, New Westminister, *Coquitlam* and Burnaby. All of these cities are surrounding Vancouver.

For most people I have explained where I'm moving, but initially they always assume that Canada is only "this big" and its so close. Since I am from Detroit and Canada is borderline with the United States they assume im going just down the street and a hour away. But failing to realize that Canada stretches across the same length if not more as the U.S. I tell them its about 5.5-6hrs away and they say "Oh thats not that bad" and at the end I say "Flying, that is" lol and then their answers change to "D*mn, wow thats far" or something stemmed from the family of Surprise or shocked. So if your still wondering where I am in Canada, then Geographically I am right above Seattle, Washington. Which I express as above California. The Pacific west coast. I always wondered when watching the NBA games on TV as a youngen the showtime would be 7:30pm Eastern time/4:30pm Pacific Time. Well now I know lol

I fell in love with this city when I came for a visit in 2011. I stayed for 2 months and some change, and had an urge to come back sometime soon. A year later here I am! It took some time and thought, but most of all it took Confidence and belief that this was a right move for me. I had some help along the way with some Great Canadians I met through School in West Virginia. They have been a big help in this transition for me. I call them my Canadian Family because they are like Family. I been knowing for 3 yrs now.

At Kitsilano Beach

Finally here, I love the place more and more each day. The best part about Canada for me is the People! The people have great hospitality here. They are so open to new things and diversity, its embraced everywhere I go. I love how welcomed the citizens of Canada I run into make me feel. Its totally the opposite in Detroit. The people in Detroit are not as friendly and sociable as they are here, nor are they quick to socialize with strangers.  I found that weird at first, but I grasped the notation that individuals tend to be more open in that manner. Its a different lifestyle coming from the East coast to the West, and all in all I think this lifestyle fits me to a T!

THANKS Vancouver, BC CANADA for making me feel like im at Home!
A night out with Good friends I met

Did I also mention the best part about BC is the scenery is amazing!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dedication to My #1 girl Dezzy liu Bleu Gibbs

Dezzy on her Birthday in her New Sweater

Dezzy is my daughter. She is a Blue Female Pit-Bull. Bloodline is Razors Edge. She is Double registered through the AKC and the UKC. She was and has been my best investment when spending a large amount of money. She is now worth unlimited amount. I can tell you how much she means to me. Such a good dog, with great amount of discipline and loyalty. Dezzy has the Temperament that is accommodating to anyone of any age. She is gentle, loving and people friendly. Despite all her "Nice-ness" Dezzy is still alert and cautious to danger. She will protect you and notify you of intruders and negative situations. Just like you would do for your loved ones.

This guy held onto dezzy for a long time

They both want a snack lol

Everytime someone meets dezzy, they always end up asking to keep her. They say "Im taking your dog home with me" lol..."You have done such a great job with her"..."She is the nicest pit bull I have ever met, I've never met a pit bull like her. I thought she be mean or bite me"....
Dezzy has changed a lot of minds that think the negative way about Pit-Bulls. But the stereotype still floats out there in the world. I believe the main factor is the environment and also the owner that plays a major role in the dogs behavior and overall character. People breed so incorrectly now just because the name of a pit bull rings bells. But just because its a Pit-Bull doesnt mean its the right mate for your mate. You cant buy the pit bull from the guy across the street who mated his with the dude around the corner! Its insane, you have no idea of the parental background and history.

My advice is know what your getting into. Know the potential of the product your investing your money in to when buying a Pit bull and you can end up with a "Dezzy". haha....I took a month or two looking around before I bought Dezzy, and when I finally decided, Dezzy wasn't local. I had to travel to go get her down South of the states in Virginia. It took some time driving and driving and driving! But hey anything worth anything takes time right? At the end of the day, she was worth it! I wouldnt trade her for the world!
Dezzy looks in the fridge

Most people say I spoil her. And I may spoil her to an extent, but I say all im doing is just taking goo dcare of her. Dezzy is well taken care of and she deserves the best! You have to meet her; She's truly 1 of a kind.

Dezzy takes a carrot


My mother was bit before by a Pit Bull and from then she never really trusted dogs and more so Pit bulls.
I found it very relieved that Dezzy is so loved by my mother and that she really has concquered that fear of pit bulls only when it comes to Dezzy. And thats big because my mother suffered a vicious face attack from a pit bull dog that required surgery. My mom even sometimes paint her nails and have girl time lol, and for that, not only do I love Dezzy, but my mom does.   

Dezzy just laying down being lazy

I woke her up out her nap for this picture.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Gabey!

My Brothers(L to R: "Just" Drew Gibbs, Me, and EJ "2 sweet" Gibbs)

Well today is my BIRTHDAY!! I have gotten some of the most unexpected age guesses. I asked co workers to guess my age or how old would they think I was if they didnt already know my age. And let me tell you, the one age guess you dont want is the guess thats actually younger than what you are. You know, the age that you criticize your friends of being. Saying things like "Ha ha your only 23? I remember that age your still young" or "You only 22, you not getting old" Things like that!
Well today I got that age guessed on me and I was shocked! I said "Wow do I really look that young?" I thought atleast my beard and facial hair alone was 23 years old LOL.

There were a few shocking age guesses. I told a few of my Supervisors and Bosses when asked, that I was 30. They went for it too! Can you believe that? I mean do I look 30 years old? Not that 30 is even considered "Old", but its older than me! by 5 years. And by the way at age 30 I have planned to be working in a Hospital performing and assisting with a heart surgery. So Im glad that was just a Joke!.
I was guessed by other staff of ages 25, 28 and 29, so my average age in this office is 25+28+29+30 and The most shockin 23!= 135 Divided by 5 gives me 27 years old.

I have claimed, what Joni Burnell (31) would call it, The offices' "Baby Status".  In some places I am called old, but as soon as I come to work with all of the older people I become instantly Young! It feels good sometimes to still be young on the inside and out, but I also would like my age respected as a maturing Young Man. I know I'm still young but I feel old or older, I guess because as I was once told that I "have an old soul"

Below are a couple pictures from the Birthday week.
Thats Me and B Matthews. I have been knowing him for about 8 years now. We have fought, argued, disagreed with one another and still to this day we are tight! Me and him always have conversations of synchronystic value, they are always full of advice and helpful. He's right serving in the Nat'l Guard.